
Feel free to check out my projects below.

Project Overview

These are the projects I've been working on during my development journey.

I've used quite a few technologies while creating these projects. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, BootStrap and Font Awesome are a few of the technologies I've used in these projects.

Number Guessing Game

Number Guessing Game

Game where you have to guess the correct number (1-20)

Created With:

Dice Roll Game

Dice Roll Game

2 Player dice roll game. Goal of the game is to roll numbers 2-6 to accumulate points. If any player rolls a 1 without selecting hold, that player loses the die and all the points in that turn. First player to get 100 points wins.

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Site Code
Dynamic Landing Page

Dynamic Landing Page

Dynamic Landing Page. Entered data saves in Local Storage. The background image changes via refresh and time of day. Used Unslash API(Images)

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Mobile First Photography Site

Mobile First Photography Site

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Site Code

Weight Converter

Weight Converter

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Site Code

Parallax Site

Chicago Parallax Site

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Site Code

Acme Design Project

Acme Design Project with Home, About and Services Pages

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Site Code
New Years Timer

New Years Countdown

A live timer to Countdown to New Years day

Created With:

Site Code
Breathe App

Breathe App

Mindfulness App that focuses on the breath.

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Site Code
Weather Application

Feels like Weather Application

"Feels Like" Weather Application, highlighting how it feels outside vs the actual weather, ids location and adds weather description. Used the OpenWeather API

Created With:

Site Code